Chi Zhang, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Medical & Molecular Genetics

I joined the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, Indiana University School of Medicine in August of 2016 as an Assistant Professor. I currently hold primary appointment in the School of Medicine. Before joining IUSM, from 2008-2016, I was trained as a computational cancer biologist with a Ph.D. in bioinformatics and statistics, and a B.S. degree in mathematics. I view myself as a computational biologist capable of asking and addressing biological questions of cancer through omics data analysis and computational modeling, as well as a bioinformatician capable of developing machine learning algorithms and statistical tools in support of both my own research and for collaborative service. Currently, I mainly focused on (1) independent research in computational modeling of disease microenvironment, cell type specific activity and transcriptional regulation, and computational algorithm development, and (2) collaborative research in identification of biological characteristics related to disease progression and drug resistance.



Ph.D. Bioinformatics with a secondary master’s degree in statistics

Advisor: Dr. Ying Xu.

The University of Georgia, Athens, GA (2010.9-2015.11)

Thesis: Identification of the key micro-environmental alterations, genomic alterations and their associations in cancer initiation and progression

B.S. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Peking University, Beijing, China (2006.9-2010.7)


2022.7-now Associate Professor

2016.8-now Assistant Professor