Sha Cao, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Medical & Molecular Genetics

Sha Cao is highly motivated to pursue an academic career in bioinformatics and computational biology applied in translational sciences. My research tracks include: 1) development of novel statistical and machine learning techniques; and 2) addressing important translational and biological questions, through multiple omics data mining and quantitative modeling. Her current research focuses are:


Titles & Appointments

Key Publications

1.      Changlin Wan, Wennan Chang, Tong Zhao, Sha Cao*, Chi Zhang*. Geometric all-way Boolean tensor decomposition. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS) (2020). In press.

2.      Wennan Chang, Changlin Wan, Yong Zang, Chi Zhang, and Sha Cao*. Supervised clustering of high dimensional data using regularized mixture modeling. Briefings in Bioinformatics. (2020) In press.

3.      Xiaoyu Lu, Szu-wei Tu, Wennan Chang, Changlin Wan, Yifan Sun, Baskar Ramdas, Xin Lu, Shannon Hawkins,  Reuben Kapur, Xiongbin Lu*, Sha Cao*, Chi Zhang*. SSMD: A semi-supervised approach for a robust cell type identification and deconvolution of mouse transcriptomics data. Briefings in Bioinformatics. (2020) In press.